m o o s e b u t t e r

moosebutter news and musings

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Tim Tim - Fri, 11 Jul 2008 8:41 pm

New Music! New Web Content! Old Jokes!

Inspired by Hancock, we've added new cool stuff to the web site:

  • New Music! - Two new songs from the non-existent, never-to-be-physically-released "sing gulls" CD.

  • new music in the listening lounge! Please comment profusely.

  • new moosebutter pictures you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Collections of photos from years and years and years gone by. Be sure to look at the very top of each slideshow - there are links to OTHER photo albums up there - all the albums from a given year are linked together.

  • there is now a hidden video of Chris turning into the Incredible Hulk... it's hidden so well, we don't even know where it is. In fact, it might not really be there

  • someone signed the guestbook!


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