moosebutter news and musings
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This is an email we got from... well, just read it. If you've got your own story to tell, please post it in the guestbook or email it ****** Hey Tim, Chris, Glen & Wes I direct "5-Alone", a high school a cappella group at the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School in Hadley, MA. You may have heard of us.....the first high school group EVER to be admitted to compete in the National Harmony Sweeps (Boston semi-finals). Anyway, we love your stuff, and I transcribed your arrangement of "Star Wars" for them just so we could sing it as we waited in line for Star Wars last week AT MIDNIGHT on Wednesday (sneak preview). There were hundreds of character-clad fans in line, and we went several hours early to sing for them all. The local NPR radio station did a story on us I hope you don't mind that I transcribed your song without permission; I apologize for not asking first. I thought you might want to know about our fanatical Star Wars stories, since you sound like fans yourselves. Let us know if you ever come out east and we'll all be there to see you. Heck, we'll open for you and help round up an audience - you guys deserve to be heard! Regards, Tony Lechner ****** |