moosebutter news and musings
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June 25 2005 First, mucho thanks for all of you who have waited patiently (or not) for the new CD. Your support of see dee and our shows have allowed us to finally produce another album, so we proudly announce: moosebutter: udder won Available for pre-order NOW on our website or through mail. Or if you happen to see one of us on the street but would you LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY?!??!!? CD will be available at all our upcoming shows -- beginning July 1st!!!! What is on the blasted cd, you query intensely? udder won contains fan favorites like The Valentine's Day Song, Doug, Harry Potter, and Witch Doctor. There are also brand new songs that you will soon grow to love like Uncle Earl's Hairpiece, Still the Shortest, Rubber Monkey, Jon Boy Jon, Hicksville and I Hate Mosquitos. There are also some short little sparkling nuggets, that you'll kind of forget about after a month or so, and at least one song that will irritate you to no end and that you'll never be able to get out of your head. It's a bunch more great vintage wacky moosebutter music! And it's on sale NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. Now already. Website or at shows. Now. 2) New T-shirt sizes. We now have children's T-shirt sizes in black and white. Also available on the website or at shows. Also all sizes are back in stock, if you haven't had yours mailed to you yet it will come within the next week. 3) Summer shows Summertime shows are here, so pull out your camcorders, dust off your tape recorders, and dig out your wax cylinder etching machine and come record our shows! That's right, we encourage you to bootleg our concerts and pass the copies around. All we ask is that you send us a copy of your recording! Also be courteous with your equipment and don't crush any native animal life with heavy equipment. So when are you going to come see us? Choose from the following dates (all show details at July 1 Fri 8 pm America's Freedom Festival at Provo, UT Arts Festival Main Stage 4) Investors moosebutter has projects upcoming where we are in need of money from investors and donors. If you are interested, contact Weston at or (801) 318-6190. 5) |