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This is a 3-voice song that Tim, Chris and Weston sang at the Denver Harmony Sweepstakes as "The Plumbers of Rome." It was actually intended to be a Plumbers song, but, it sounds pretty moosebutterey, doesn't it? So we stole if for our regular shows.

June 25, 2006, 03:05 pm CDT
7H15 15 teh c00l357 50ng 3v3r!!!1!!!one!

June 25, 2006, 08:47 pm CDT
sorry for the 4. I would give it a 4 1/2, but it's not available here. I did like the song, but, it was a little long, and not as inspiring as the others. jeez, here come the angry responses. It will still brilliant, though.
moosebutter (Tim)
June 26, 2006, 01:54 am CDT
June 26, 2006, 01:54 am CDT
Appreciate the comment - and no, you're not ugly... just distinctive....
That's what these comments are for - we honestly want to know what you think. Not everything is going to be "Chris spontaneous Titanic song" brilliant. So truly, sincerely tell us what you like, don't like, wish would be different, wish we could change, should add, should take away...
That's what these comments are for - we honestly want to know what you think. Not everything is going to be "Chris spontaneous Titanic song" brilliant. So truly, sincerely tell us what you like, don't like, wish would be different, wish we could change, should add, should take away...

June 29, 2006, 01:19 pm CDT
it was a little strange (even for you guys) i'm not sure if i would listen to it again but i'll have everyone hear ity and let each of the kids give the vote...

October 7, 2006, 11:34 am CDT
This is great!
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