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Two more requests - both from Kanab, UT March 2006.

July 6, 2006, 02:22 pm CDT
Very nice. I love chariots of fire. It wish I could have seen you guys perform it. Shout it out was good too, spontaneous improv. Okay, that was redundant

July 10, 2006, 07:34 pm CDT
Now i have a new song that I can shout, not just BAM, but SHOUT IT OUT. Then when my mom yells up the stairs to why I'm shouting this, I can yell,"MOOSEBUTTER MOM!!" and she will totally understand.

July 14, 2006, 03:26 pm CDT
Loved the chariots of fire!!!

July 26, 2006, 05:37 pm CDT
Chariots of Fire! Bong bong bong bong bong bong! I can see you running in slow motion too. I love the shout it out. AAAAH!

August 11, 2006, 04:54 pm CDT
Nice. Very nice. Wish I could've been there. I would have fallen out of my chair laughing! I nearly did just listening to it!

August 26, 2006, 10:30 am CDT
I was first introduced to moosebutter by a 10 year old. I really loved the harry potter song, made me laugh out loud at work!

July 12, 2010, 01:33 pm CDT
I put Chariots of Fire on my iPod.Today I was listening to it on the subway and I burst out laughing:no wonder everybody was staring at me after a while...
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