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Captain Organic Vegetable Man

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I'm Captain Organic Vegetable Man
I fight against the evilness of pesticides and added colors
If you're organic then you can proudly stand
And shout for Organic Veggie Man

I'm naturally healthy I don't ingest pollutants
And though I might wear some makeup no animals were used for testing
No way would I ever cook with MSG
I'm Captain Organic Veggie Man

"Captain Veggie you're amazing!"
"Time to eat, let's start grazing."

Veggie Man he has Potassium
Ten percent of needed Calcium
At dinnertime my plate is full of vegetables

Preservatives and Toxins are against my very nature
And genetic engineering of my carrots makes mad
Farmers applaud me they shout and clap their hands
Hooray for Organic Veggie Man!


Words and music by Tim Y. Jones
Additional music by J.S. Slagowski and Bryant W. Smith
Bridge based on "Heart and Soul" words by Frank Loesser, music by Hoagy Carmichael

All animal and vegetable noises by Weston Wride