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moosebutter news and musings

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Tim Tim - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 10:44 pm

Bring moosebutter to your town! (pt. 2)

Last time we told you about the first strategy to bring moosebutter to your town.

Remember the principle -- to get us to your town, the people doing the hiring have to have a favorable impression of us

This time we're giving you two things to try.

  1. First, after you've checked with the theaters and concert series, CHECK IN WITH ALL YOUR LOCAL SCHOOLS -- go through the same thing; you'll probably want to personally talk to just the school people you know. Use the same approach, but tell them that we do fascinating and educational school programs (which we do -- we wouldn't make something like that up). You and they can find more information about our school programs at
  2. The second thing to do is to INCREASE THE NUMBER OF POSITIVE CONTACTS. Have all your friends -- who also naturally adore moosebutter and want as much as you do to bring us to town -- contact the same people. Remember, be nice and cool -- they don't need to get assaulted. But send them emails; send them a letter describing a great experience you've had with moosebutter; ask them about us when you run into them on the street. Think big -- have your parents, or a teacher, contact them, and tell them why they should pay moosebutter to visit. If you are a parent or a teacher, elaborate on how important moosebutter has been in your childrens'/students'/your own life. Give them a positive impression -- so that when we send them more information, they've been prepared!

Muchos Gracias.

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